Stop Press: Thank you
We have received your consultation responses, thank you.
We have received 47 submissions through the online Smart Survey . Two online responses were exactly the same from one person completing online from outside the country. We have not been able to validate this person as they are not found on our database as living at the address provided. We are still trying to confirm the identity and will accept the submission, if we can establish a valid Lingfield connection.
We received 16 completed comment sheets, 14 were emailed to [email protected] and 2 were dropped into the parish office.
There were 31 emails containing comments and one letter containing comments dropped into the parish office.
Not counting the one unverified submission, we received 95 consultation submissions and many are very detailed and we wish to be able to capture all the comments in the Statement of Consultation.
The responses will be collated, personal identifiers redacted and published in the Statement of Consultation.
The Steering Group will also evaluate the responses which indicate that changes to the plan are required.
The Statement of Consultation will need to demonstrate that the changes can be reasonably justified by the nature and content of your responses provided and that they are supported by evidence .
The parish council do not yet have a copy of the Statement of Consultation and will get one as soon as it is ready. There will be no need to request the information formally in any way, as it will all be published here on the website.
The quickest way to find out when it is published is to sign up here on the website for a newsletter to be sent to you or check the official Lingfield Neighbourhood Plan Facebook Page.
Lingfield Neighbourhood Plan (Official Page)
Planning for our future
Planning? That’s complicated, decided over our heads, boring.
Well not any more.
For the first time ever people are being given a say in how they want their communities to grow and change.
It’s called Neighbourhood Planning.
Read on to find out more.